Friday, July 16, 2010


January 22, 2009


Stands for : ALWAYS , Sometime, and Rarely
1 Read your Bible.
2 Pray before you eat. Even if you are snacking pray!
3 Commit yourself to being aware of when you’re full and stopping.
4 Ask the Holy Spirit to allow you to know when you are done, how much to eat, also to make it clear and give you strength when to stop eating
5 When you eat sit and don’t stand. You will eat less.

7 Go threw your pantry and pre-pick what you can eat then you’ll be less likely to make bad choices.
8 Try to stay away from soda and sugar drinks. Worthless calories! For every soda or caffeine you drink you must drink 2 glass of water.
9 No eating after 7/7:30 (NEVER past 8pm)

10 Work out! Stay committed to exercise. Do not give up or in. God will bless your body. Pick up your mat and walk!

11 Walk, bike ride with your kids & family. If you need exercise so do they. \

12 Choose to eat healthy
Have healthy food on hand
Meat or main dish should be the size and depth a women’s palm
Side dish: 1 helping no bigger than your fist ideally ½ the size of it
Eat a lot of fruit & veggies, without the butter and sweet stuff on it
Wheat (I must have fibber)
Oatmeal is good with “flushing” bad things out of my system as well as raisins.
Skin less chicken, Boca, Veggie lean, lean hamburger meat, turkey, steaks, and fish of all kinds
Eat nuts, Almonds are great and go with just about everything.

13 Limit TV. You burn more calories staring at a wall than watching TV.
14 Don’t give into laziness!!! It is tool of the devil.
15 MOVE!

Park at the end of the parking lot
Fish must be in your diet for a heart healthy. (Try a few times a week)
Take very long walks or go for a bike ride.
Get a massage.
Work out with weights a 2-3x's a times a week
Do nothing. Have a day of relaxation. Read a book or just relax.
If you eat out don’t buy the dinner buy a side item (ala cart), share a meal, or go for the “lite” menu items.

1 Once a week take a day off
2 Have a small desert.
3 Eat foods high in fat
4 Have ice cream
5 Have a cappuccino.
6 Go to a great restaurant and have something you love. Don’t deprive yourself but don’t “Pig Out”. When you eat too much it stretches your stomach and causes you to need more food to feel full the next time you eat.

ALWAYS Enjoy life!


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